Rinehart Clinic

230 Rowe St
Wheeler, OR 97147
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Physicians & Surgeons

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)

Elizabeth S.

on Judys Book Dec 01, 2011
I had an afternoon emergency. A severe cat bite from the night before....blood poisoning. They got me right in even though I hadn't been to the clinic before. It was very serious and they were so kind and good at what... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Mar 24, 2011
We were visiting the Oregon Coast with my 85 year old mother when she fell as we arrived late Friday afternoon. I called the Rinehart Clinic at 5:00 pm as they were closing. Even though my mother was not a patient they... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Apr 09, 2010
Dr.Rinehart and his staff fall far short of there homepage mission statement. He seems to have ver little interest in helping new chronic p... (more)

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