Red Clover Nutrition & Herbal Therapies

Red Clover Nutrition & Herbal Therapies - Homestead Business Directory

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online nutrition counseling, online nutritionist, online dietitian

Business Description

Why are so many Americans overweight and obese? Could it be because of their diet? Yes! Losing weight is more than just burning more calories than you eat. It has a lot to do with "what" you eat as well. Most any" diet" will work for helping to lose weight in the short term, but most "diets" are unsustainable - meaning they will cause malnutrition if used for long periods of time. If your present diet is making you fat, then it's time to not just go on a "diet," but CHANGE your diet. It's time to learn to eat in a way that provides you nutrition while at the same time allowing you to shed those extra pounds. Why are so many Americans sick with degenerative diseases? Could it be their diet? Absolutely! In fact, you could say that most disease is a "food-borne" illness. Of the 15 leading causes of death, including heart disease and cancer, almost all of them can be prevented, treated and in many cases reversed simply by CHANGING to the right diet. If your eating and lifestyle habits have made you sick, it's time to change with the help of an expert online nutritionist! Our online dietitians offer professional help with online nutrition counseling to help you change your habits for good. For more information about our services, please feel free to contact us today. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have, and help you on the path to changing with the right diet.

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