Punxsutawney Dental Inc

232 N Main St
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
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Customer Reviews (3 reviews)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Jan 19, 2011
Good: that it wasn't a stuffy environment. people very noligable and caring.. Bad: you might have to wait a little bit while there but it is definitely worth waiting for.. Improvements: well they are currently... (more)

Karen B.

on Judys Book Jun 22, 2006
Gentle and comforting are not the words that you think of when some one mentions a dentist, but these are the only words that I can think of to describe the staff at Punxy Dental.My daughter, who is 3, just had her first... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Nov 06, 2005
I will never set foot in this office again. The staff is like a freak show from the circus. There are at least four dentists who will give... (more)

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