Pro-pane Inc

375 W Main St
Brownsburg, IN 46112
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Business Information

Gas-liquefied Petro-bttld/bulk (whls), Gas (lpg) Bottled Bulk Equip/supl (whls)
Wholesale Propane Gas

Customer Reviews (10 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Mar 01, 2009
We have been customers of ProPane for going on 17 years. We have never in 16 heating season had a fill up in Nov, Dec and Jan. There is no w... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jan 18, 2009
ProPane Inc is a very responsible corporate citizen sponsoring numerous things within the community. Recently partnering with the American B... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jan 16, 2009
Wow, We've paid a lock in fee, the first time ever. $60.00. They incorrectly managed our monthly fee. They can't seem to figure out a mo... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch May 31, 2008
I must say I'm really dissapointed in the way your taking advantage of your customers. This stuff of paying a flat fee to lock into a set a... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch May 04, 2008
I am not happy at all with these people. They give misleading information and are very slick at passing the buck when it comes to working o... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Feb 17, 2008
We have had nothing but problems with this company! We have told them that we will call when we need a fill up - they come anyway and leave... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Oct 10, 2007
My wife and I own our own tank, so that gives us the liberty to shop around. We passed by their office one day and saw Pray for our troops o... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Oct 02, 2007
We were with the company over 15years. They have let our tank run empty the past two winters and charged us the emergency run fee. We were... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jul 16, 2007
We hold a fish fry at our church every year and Propane Inc. has donated the LP gas we use to run our fryers and water heaters for several y... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Apr 12, 2005
Pro-Pane Inc. has prices which are consistent with other local propane dealers. They do not have online billing, but they do offer a budget... (more)

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