Picture Perfect Beauty Salon

27340 Michigan Ave
Inkster, MI 48141
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Beauty Salons
Beauty Salons

Customer Reviews (6 reviews)

Fluffy M.

on Judys Book Jun 20, 2007
I am not sure what to say. The location is not the best. The staff is kind and full of life. I did not have the same experiences as the other people posted. One thing that does stick out was the other merchants who came in and... (more)

Squeeky J.

on Judys Book Jun 20, 2007
I went in to simply get a hair cut and left with a vibrator (rabbit) and a smile! Talk about satisfying the customer. My hair looked good too. They even gave me a side of fries. (more)

Squeeky J.

on Judys Book Jun 19, 2007
The hair stylists can do hair. You just have to clear you day. Things can be slow, but the idea is to relax. The people there are warm and friendly. The best part is how great they do hair. There is also an outstanding... (more)

red b.

on Judys Book Jun 07, 2007
, (more)

red b.

on Judys Book Jun 07, 2007
I was shocked and appalled after getting my hair done at this saloon! My experience was like something out of a horror movie. The person at the booth next to me reeked of liquor and cigarettes. This person also sat in... (more)

Lakshmi P.

on Judys Book Aug 16, 2005
I wasn't thrilled with the service because it was very slow. And when I finally got seated I was passed around like jelly at the breakfast table. Finally, a recruit (I think) cut my hair. She asked me how I wanted it, and I... (more)

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