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The Power of Emotional Wellness is an understanding of how events influence our thoughts (what we think). How thoughts create feelings and emotions (what is felt) which motivate behaviors (a response or action) based on personal philosophies and beliefs (what is believed to be true about self, others and the world)
The Power of Emotional Wellness refers to how well we understand ourselves and how much we are self-aware. It is the ability to understand and process emotions and feelings, recognizing them as they come about and know how to respond to them appropriately. Emotional wellness involves self-motivation. It is the accumulation of feelings and emotions that are directed toward a goal in spite of self-doubt, fear and anxiety. It searches the value of being assertive, and taking personal responsibility for our behaviors. Emotional wellness is about the excitement of finding our true purpose and passions. It is about the challenge of being optimistic. The Power of Emotional Wellness means that we have empathy and recognize how others feel by their body language, not just their verbal cues. Emotional wellness is the management of important relationships, personal interactions, conflicts and resolutions. It is the acceptance of our strengths and limitations.
The Power of Emotional Wellness is about the importance of seeking support and assistance when it is needed. It relates to our willingness to accept challenges and take risks. The Power of Emotional Wellness is the ability to accept changes and the management of stress and anxiety. By reading The Power of Emotional Wellness, you will learn more about yourself than you thought possible. You will gain more self-knowledge, self awareness, and self-confidence which will enable you to have more control of your life.
will HELP you to:
Apply assertiveness skills.
Express thoughts, feelings/emotions appropriately.
Recognize how thoughts, feelings/emotions are related to behaviors that are based on personal philosophies (beliefs about yourself, others, and the world).
Develop self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect.
Challenge the unknown.
Maintain independence, but ask for help when needed.
Evaluate what you are feeling and why.
Replace negative thoughts with positive actions.
Cope with stress and anxiety appropriately.
Develop the habit of positive affirmations.
Be optimistic but realistic.
Take responsibility for behaviors and actions.
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