Pacific Theatres Commerce 14

950 Goodrich Blvd
Commerce, CA 90022
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Movie Theaters

Customer Reviews (6 reviews)


on Yahoo Nov 13, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: Wonderfull I like this excelent I dont have words to express my self (more)

a Yahoo! Local User

on Yahoo Nov 01, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: I hope that this movie will be nice to everybody. Mainly, a lot of people new all of the songs of Michael Jackson. (more)

a Yahoo! Local User

on Yahoo Oct 15, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: I grew up in that theater and it used to be 2 movies for the price of one. (more)

a Yahoo! Local User

on Yahoo Jul 13, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: i like very ship and spanish suptitles i like i can go with al my family and friend spken spanish I like for every hispanic peaple (more)

a Yahoo! Local User

on Yahoo Mar 08, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: This isn't a review really. It's just a response to Mr. Watson there. How about you learn to spell before criticizing? (more)


on Yahoo Jun 30, 2008
It's an older theatre, a little smelly, no staduim setting. The neighborhood is very ethnic, so ethnic that the movies have spanish suptitles. It wasn't bad thou, just an interesting experience.... (more)

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