Oak Tree Village - Oak Glen

38480 Oak Glen Rd
Oak GlenCA 92399
Oak Tree Village - Oak Glen - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Apple Annies Oak Glen CA, Apple Annies Oak Tree Village, Oak Glen CA Restaurants, Village Candy Kitchen Oak Glen, Oak Glen Yucaipa CA, Apple Annies Restaurant California, repital exhibits, Gold panning, Apple Annies Restaurant and Bakery, trout fishing, animal park, curio shop, turquoise Pubelo, artisans circle, leather works, Vendors
Bakery, Gift Shops, Candy Store Restaurants, Petting Zoo, Jumpers & Slides, Pony Rides, Fishing,Tours, Birthday parties, Zoo, Reptial Exhibits, Zoo, Entainment,m Aminals, shows, pig races, Pony rides, music
We offer facilities for many types of events such as educational shool field trips, weddings, birthday parties, company picnics, girl and boy scout badges, office meetings, barmitzfas and many other purposes
Schools, Education, Families, Music, Apple Annies Restaurant Apple Annies Restaurant serves delicious food and is located at Oak Tree Village, in Oak Glen, California. Come by Apple Annies Restaurant for Breakfast or Lunch. Mountain Town Reptile Museum The Mountain Town Reptile Museum includes various reptiles such as African Rock Pythons, Columbian Red Tail Boa's, Corn Snakes, Milk Snakes and European Legless Lizards. Admission $3./Person Apple Annies Bakery Apple Annies Bakery at Oak Tree Village, serves freshly baked Mile High Apple Pies. The 5lb. Mile High Apple Pie is the world largest Apple Pie. Oak Tree Village Field Trips Is your school scheduling a field trip? Contact Oak Tree Village today about an educational school field trip. Oak Tree Village Upcoming Events Are you looking for an event in Southern California? Browse our events calendar to find something to do in Southern California. Oak Tree Village Animal Park Would you like to take your kids to an Animal Park. Our Animal Park includes a petting zoo, a trout ponds and much more. Admission $5./Person Oak Tree Village Shops The shops at Oak Tree Village are open seven days a week and include The Turquoise Pueblo, Leather Works, The General Store, The Village Candy Kitchen and The Oak Glen Curio Shop. Oak Tree Village Group Tours The Oak Tree Village Family Entertainment Park is great for group tours. After eating at one of our Restaurants and touring our museum and petting zoo, visit the Oak Tree Village shops. Oak Tree Village Artisans Circle The Artisans Circle is open on the weekends and includes craftsmen and artisans selling their artworks and crafts.
Oak Glen Apple Growers Association

Business Description

The Village (Oak Tree Village) is located in the center of Oak Glen and offers the largest variety of shops, restaurants and entertainment. The petting farm at the Village is home to a variety of baby animals including lambs, goats and piglets. For the novice fisherman, the Trout Ponds make it easy to catch your first fish. Weekends offer Pony Rides, Train Rides, Artisans and Crafters. From September through November the Village has live entertainment, fishing contests, Piglet races and Goat milking. The Animal Park and Live Exotic Animal Exhibits are open every day. Take a visit to Oak Tree Village, 14 acres of family fun, in Oak Glen anytime of the year, and you will see one of the most scenic spots in Southern California. Oak Tree Village is nestled in the heart of Apple Country a mile high, where it is cooler in the summers and has enough snow to make snowmen and sled in the winters. The mile-high Oak Tree Village was created for folks to come and enjoy a simpler way of life, surrounded by the fresh crisp air and partake of the beautiful change of seasons year round. Oak Tree Village has been the best kept secret for many families to enjoy year after year. We now invite you to come be a part of our family heritage and traditions. Just under an hour from Los Angeles or Palm Springs, spend the day having' some good ole' country fun.

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