NW Hope-Net

NW Hope-Net - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Social Services, Benevolence, Rent Assistance, Utilities Assistance, Food Vouchers, Homelessness, Get Help, Advocate, Client Screening, Transportation Help, Rent Help, Utilities Help, Church Welfare, Social Justice, Housing Assistance, Holiday Help, Christmas Help, School Supplies, Financial Aid, Christian
Do you need help? Prayer? Assistance with your rent, utilities, or basic needs like food and clothing? You have come to a good place! NW Hope-Net represents a collaborative network of churches throughout the Pacific NW region. Each of these churches seek to be places of refuge, hope, and light in an often dark and pain-filled world. Many times - though not always - churches can lend a helping hand with physical and materials needs. This is not the Church's primary call, but it is a part of what Christian compassion looks like. The mission of NW Hope-Net is to help churches help their communities by assisting in the screening and referral process. Our job is to help connect people to the most effective resources available to them in their local community, while also helping churches to identify how best to connect with those in need in their own neighborhoods. Regardless of your religious beliefs, the staff at NW Hope-Net is committed to assisting you in finding the best referrals for your needs, and to do so with respect, compassion, and understanding. We look forward to serving you!
Social Services

Business Description

NW Hope-Net functions as a clearinghouse, connecting those in need with those who can help meet those needs. Our staff members are intimately acquainted with the challenges facing low income families struggling to cope in today's economy. Conversely, we are also well acquainted with the unique challenges facing Churches as they seek to respond to the needs of their local communities. The staff at NW Hope-Net is experienced, professional, courteous and efficient at every level of compassionate outreach.

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