Nth Degree Creative

602 East 25th st 2
Tacoma, WA 98421

Fax: 253-212-9122
Nth Degree Creative - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

laser, light show, lighting, LED, Intelligent lighting, stage light, lazer, cryo fog, Clay Paky, laser beams, casino lighting, AV, concert lighting, touring shows, exhibitions, entertainment, Visuals, moving lights
CDRH Compliant Laser Projectors Laser Light Shows Stage Lighting Rentals Special Effects for Product Launches & Grand openings
Lighting Design Special Event Technical Design
Special Events, Sports Events, Grand Openings, Amusement Parks, Worship Events, Theater including Broadway, Touring,
2 National Art Merit Awards

Business Description

We design and build lighting systems for architectural and entertainment applications. Often includes solid state LED lighting. We are a CDRH Compliant laser manufacturer for entertainment, including shows that have been seen by tens of millions throughout the US and Canada

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