New England Mobile Book Fair

82 Needham St # 84
Newton Highlands, MA 02461
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Book Dealers-wholesale

Customer Reviews (4 reviews)

Natasha N.

on Judys Book May 19, 2006
You know, I am really lazy. I don't wanna look through books by publisher! It was worth it back in the day but now that I can find whatever book I want on the internet I don't really see a point in a place like this. It's very... (more)

Patricia M.

on Judys Book Sep 02, 2005
This is one amazing bookstore. You can get lost in it for hours. They have an extensive collection of books. The books are organized by publisher. The children's book collection alone is mind boggling. I love going to... (more)

Michael S.

on Judys Book Aug 18, 2005
If you haven't been here, you're in for a treat. What a bookstore! First of all, it's enormous -- football field sized. Second, they have a huge used section. Third, their new section is arranged by publisher, and they... (more)

Jacqueline C.

on Judys Book Aug 09, 2005
Want the newest release for less. Check out this no frills book store. They buy in bulk and pass the savings along. You do have to have some idea as to what you are looking for as the books are shelved by publisher and title... (more)

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