Narconon-northern California
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Drug Abuse & Addiction Info & Treatment, Business & Trade OrganizationsBusiness Organizations
Customer Reviews (3 reviews)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Nov 27, 2009Sent my child here and can happily say nothing but positive results!! Thank you Narconon! If looking for a drug and alcohol addiction prog... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Aug 12, 2008Narconon Placerville is a smaller facility and is a good change of pace against larger drug rehab facilities. The group is tight like a fam... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch May 25, 2005This program is the tops. I have witnessed successes. It is the most thorough progam in the world. With 76% success rate who wouldn't want t... (more)