Nancyland Candy Company, LLC

473 W 1680 S
OremUT 84058
Nancyland Candy Company, LLC - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Candy, Delicious, Play, Gluten free, allergen free, Fondant, Moldable, Treat, kids, cake decorating, watermelon, wild cherry, lemonade, mixed berry
Nancyland Rainbow Dough
Food Manufacturing, Packaging, Nutritional Services.
Confection, manufacturing, candy

Business Description

Nancyland Candy Company manufactures and sells Nancyland Rainbow Dough, a creative candy dough that you can play with and eat and eat. It has a delicious fruity taste. It is free of gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, and artificial colors and flavors.

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