Business Information

Medical drain, Outpatient drain, Secure medical drain, Encrypted medical drain, Hospital medical drain, Mastectomy medical drain, Surgical drain, JP drain
A multilingual secure encrypted , fluid drainage database. With ability to communicate between patient and doctor or patient and home caregiver
The invention/database may be used in hospital facilities, home care facilities, outpatient surgical facilities. And remote areas of the world, where it is hard or impossible for patient and doctor to access each other on a regular basis.
Medical Industry, Home caregivers, Medical drain makers and distributors.
Keck Medical Center (29 prosthetic surgeries)
I went through 28 prosthetic knee surgeries in past 7 years. And during that process, I used multiple drains about 80% of the sergeries.I wish I had a one stop web site to go to, for informatio on do's and dont's of using the drain.I have created a websi

Business Description

Provides a method of monitoring post-operative outpatient fluid drainage after surgery. This is a multilingual database which can be access through multiple devices. Computer, Tablet, Smartphone, notepad, Smart TV, I-phone. There is a email button on the USCdrain page that will auto generate a email to doctor with you username and password where he can access your encrypted and secure records at his convenience doctor or home caregiver will instantly have ability to access patients records and view photo or short video of wound or other parts of the body. The database can calculate the amount of drainage in five separate drains for a total of drainage for AM and PM for any particular day. It will also total the amount of drainage overall at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

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