Leyden House


Fax: 413-772-8858
Leyden House - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

essential oil, diffuser, essential air, classic ultrasonic nebulizer, inhaler blanks, food grade inhalers, lavender, patchouli, ylang ylang, room diffusers, shea
essential oils, essential oil diffusers, inhalers, food grade inhaler blanks, classic ultrasonic nebulizer, carrier oils, shea butter, natural lib creams and lip balms, lavender buds, floral waters
blank inhalers for hospitals, essential oil blends, refurbishing essential air diffusers
healthcare, community coop,
AIA Alliance of International Aromatherapist

Business Description

Leyden House developed and manufactures the Essential Air diffuser, a powerful diffuser used by hospitals, aromatherapist and customers seeking healthier air through the diffusion of essential oils. Leyden House carries pure essential oils and has created essential oil blends focusing on improving health conditions.

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