Law Office of Deana M. Champagne

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attorney, lawyer, california, parole, lifer, life, sentence, inmate, prisoner, suitability, hearing, eligible, board of parole, hearings, law, BPH, BPT, Marsy's law, case law, representation
Provide legal representation to clients who have been sentenced to life with the possibility of parole in the State of California and have been scheduled for a lifer suitability hearing. I can also file writs of habeas corpus on behalf of my clients to challenge Board decisions.
California Bar Association

Business Description

I am an attorney who represents California lifer inmates who are scheduled to go before the California Board of Parole Hearings to determine whether they are suitable for parole. I have years of experience in administrative law, specifically in representing lifers. I understand what the Board is looking for in suitability factors and what factors will be used to determine if a lifer is unsuitable for parole. I can help lifers prepare for their hearings by personally interviewing them, talking with their family and friends and ensuring they have the support letters needed. I can evaluate the lifers' factors to help them determine whether it is feasible to go foward with their hearing or whether they should ask for a waiver. I can file writs of habeas corpus on behalf of my clients to challenge Board decisions.

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