Laurel Youth Ballet
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Dancing InstructionCustomer Reviews (9 reviews)
on Citysearch Sep 13, 2009i have been dancing there for 1 year and i love it...the teachers are so nice and they help sooo mush!! the technique is great...and we all work so hard...i think it is one of the best ballet schools in the area!! i love... (more)
on Citysearch May 11, 2009It began for us when our daughter was two. "It" being her love of ballet. We distinctly remember her wide eyes and fixed stare at the beautiful ballerinas on the Palace Theater stage. That year she would be an audience... (more)
on Citysearch May 06, 2009Laurel Ballet is truly the best ballet school you will find in all of Greensburg. I have attended the school for eleven years now, and have found out what my passions, strengths and weaknesses are as an individual... (more)
on Citysearch May 06, 2009I have been dancing at Laurel for about 8 years and I think that it is a great opportunity fro young girls (and boys? :) to learn ballet, meet new people and make new friends! I have had such a fun time at Laurel and have made... (more)
on Citysearch May 05, 2009Anytime a person writes a review, it should be taken with a grain of salt, particularly if it is a negative review since the author obviously has their own agenda. In most cases, it is best to see for yourself by... (more)
on Citysearch Apr 30, 2009The technique here is not good at all, I personally have never danced there but i know a few students and when comparing them to how dancers at The Rock School dance you could put Laurels "top" dancers with our level 2's.... (more)
on Citysearch Apr 24, 2009My daughter has been dancing at LBT for 6 years, They have made a shy litlle girl into a confident dancer. She knows now that if she truly wants to become a professional Ballet dancer, she has the ability to do it. With... (more)
on Citysearch Apr 24, 2009Wow, CameronBrandt. I am literally speechless over your review. I have danced at Laurel Ballet since the age of eight and I am now almost eighteen years old. And, it's funny, but I don't seem to ever recall there being a... (more)
on Citysearch Dec 04, 2008I danced here for about 3 years. They are good for learning appropriate technique, but this group of women running the place need serious help. They have family issues and will drag your kids down with them as they... (more)