King;s Gamers World

731 West Boston Post Rd
MamaroneckNY 10543
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Business Information

sell ps2 games, where can I buy original xbox games, sell used video games

Business Description

Welcome to King's Gamer's world your video game outlet store. here at King's Gamer's world we carry thousands of video games and everything that has to do with them from Atari to Nintendo Wii, and Xbox 360 and all in between from Astroids to Call of Duty we have it all. we have great sales on all of our used systems and carry all old systems, we buy and give the best trade in price around we guarantee it the lowest prices around. we are just building our website and are filling it up daily, but at anytime in our stores you can find great classics like nintendo super nes systems and games and controlers, nintendo 64, nintendo gamecube, the Nintendo Wii, and the upcoming Wii u, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Genesis, playststion, playstation 2, playstation 3, Xbox, Xbox 360, gamecube, psp, ps vita, nintendo Ds, DS Lite, 3dS, ALL THE GAMES CONTROLLERS HEADSETS AND MORE PLUS A SMILE AND A CURTIOUS ATTITUDE CAUSE AT KING'S GAMER'S WORLD ALL OUR CUSTOMERS ARE KINGS. We are a family based company and we keep that in our stores we try very hard to make our customers have a great shopping experience.

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