Kid's Cottage Child Care

28782 Harwick Dr
Highland, CA 92346
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Child Care Service
Child Care

Customer Reviews (4 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Oct 11, 2007
I would highly recommend Kid's Cottage to any concerned Parent looking for a trusting, dependable and quality care daycare. I have to commu... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Oct 09, 2007
Searching for daycares can be a challenge and while I was trying to help my daughter find a local daycare in Running Springs, a neighbor ha... (more)


on Citysearch Aug 15, 2007
If you are ever in need of good quality childcare with someone you can trust, call Kid's Cottage. Members of my family have had our children taught and cared for by Renee for over 14 years and I have seen what a difference... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jun 24, 2007
Our family pediatrician told me about Kids Cottage and what a great place to take your children, I have been taking both of my kids there ... (more)

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