
289 Eastside Dr
Newton, MS 39345
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Business Information

Restaurants, Foods-carry Out
Traditional American

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)


on Citysearch Oct 21, 2007
<b>In Short</b><br>Established in 1939, this fast-food restaurant still makes its legendary fried chicken with the closely guarded blend of 11 herbs and spices originally created by founder Colonel Sanders.... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Apr 30, 2007
KFC or Taco Bell. Take your pick. They ahve both here, but we like the KFC. We have eaten in and it was very nice and clean. Service was good. But we have, also, driven thru and love that chicken wrap sandwich when on the go.... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Apr 29, 2007
This is what I call a bonus KFC, because you have a choice....it's a KFC and a Taco Bell. So, it's a great choice for the traveler, who wants something fast and inexpensive, but has a car full of hungry people who all want... (more)

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