Business Information
Veterans, Disabled Veterans, homeless veterans, medically challenged veterans, non profit, veterans donations, housing, in Chicago, Naperville, Bloomington, Joliet, IllinoisWe're committed to helping Disabled veterans, Medically Challenged,Elderly-62 years and older. Our Mission is to pursue charitable,educational and medical purposes. To give support to and engage in a program for promotion of housing and civil services for homeless veterans and homeless individuals medically challenged.To improve the lives of homeless veterans and individuals medically challenged by way of a safe and healthy lifestyle. To provide for the relief of the poor and indigent of all pride and col
We're committed to helping Disabled veterans, Medically Challenged,Elderly-62 years and older. Our Mission is to pursue charitable,educational and medical purposes. To give support to and engage in a program for promotion of housing and civil services for homeless veterans and homeless individuals medically challenged.To improve the lives of homeless veterans and individuals medically challenged by way of a safe and healthy lifestyle. To provide for the relief of the poor and indigent of all pride and col
We're committed to helping Disabled veterans, Medically Challenged,Elderly-62 years and older. Our Mission is to pursue charitable,educational and medical purposes. To give support to and engage in a program for promotion of housing and civil services for homeless veterans and homeless individuals medically challenged.To improve the lives of homeless veterans and individuals medically challenged by way of a safe and healthy lifestyle. To provide for the relief of the poor and indigent of all pride and col
Best Veterans Program in Illinois
Voted Best Housing Veterans Program in Illinois
Business Description
We're committed to helping
Disabled veterans, Medically Challenged,Elderly-62 years and older. Our Mission is to pursue charitable,educational and medical purposes. To give support to and engage in a program for promotion of housing and civil services for homeless veterans and homeless individuals
medically challenged.To
improve the lives of
homeless veterans and individuals medically
challenged by way of a
safe and healthy lifestyle.
To provide for the relief
of the poor and indigent
of all pride and col
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