K-OS Media, Entertainment & Print

K-OS Media, Entertainment & Print - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Commercial production KOS TV Russell Wayne Toolology crop circle music, dj, karaoke, t-shirts, tv commercials, booking, advertising, live music, bands, JW's, flint, fenton, k-os, chaos, kos, clothing, media, print, fun, weddings Pink Floyd
dj, karaoke, bands, t-shirts, tv commercials, fliers, posters, KOS TV
dj, karaoke, bands, t-shirts, tv commercials, graphic design
Scooter's, Legend's, Applebee's, Alexander J's, Eagles Club, Penalty Box, Firkin & Fox, The Davison House
Flintnightout.com, Crop Circle, Russell Wayne, Full Circle Graphic Design
Best Entertainment Promotional Company

Business Description

This company is designed to handle all of your entertainment needs. We are a full service entertaiment and promotion company. Where to go, what to do and who you need to make sure you have a great entertainment experience.

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