Jeweler in the Dishwasher LLC


Fax: 913-871-7746
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Business Information

Jewelry cleaner, Jewelry, ultrasonic, jewelry cleaning solutions, clean fine jewelry, clean fine jewelry in the dishwasher, clean diamonds, clean rubies, clean gold, clean sapphires, clean moissanite, clean cubic zirconia, clean platinum, clean silver, clean fine jewelry at home.
Jeweler in the Dishwasher basket, eggs and soaker tank.
Jewelry inspection and repair.
Retailers' Choice Award, Pitch Tank Gold Award, Featured in Good Housekeeping magazine.

Business Description

Jeweler in the Dishwasher was designed/invented by Jacque Egnatic, a second generation bench jeweler. Jacque has 40+ years of experience repairing, designing, and manufacturing fine jewelry. She has done contract work for several area independently owned and chain retail jewelry stores, and has owned her own retail jewelry store for 16 years. The biggest complaint that people have about their jewelry is their inability to keep it clean. Jeweler in the Dishwasher solves this problem. The degreaser in the detergent, mixes with the hot water, and gently enters the eggs and soaker tank, allow the enclosed jewelry to soak in the solution. Unlike an ultrasonic, there is no vibration, or harmful shaking that occurs; just a gentle soaking. This is a very safe, effective way for cleaning fine jewelry at home. Make sure to have your jewelry inspected every 6 months, to make sure that stones are secure in their mountings. If you would like to send in your jewelry to us for a free inspection, please contact us for instructions on shipping your jewelry.

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