J Peacock Studio

J Peacock Studio - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Art, Pottery, Origami, Kiln, Pottery Wheel, Pastel, Drawing, Artwork, Art Lesson
Pottery, Artwork, Origami Flowers
Art Lessons

Business Description

Welcome to J Peacock Studio where Mother Nature is the driving force, and art is the consequence of peace and love. Browse through my gallery of artwork and pottery. Most things are made to order, so you’re guaranteed your own unique piece. Send me a poem, song, or photo and what style inspires you and I will create something for you that will allow your family, friends, or complete strangers to share that inspiration with you. If you’re nearby my home studio and interested in learning how to throw on a pottery wheel or how to create artwork in any of the styles you see here, I’ve designed classes with one-on-one instruction for any age!

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