Harold's Hair Loft

117 Washington St
Manistee, MI 49660
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Beauty Salons
Beauty Salons

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch May 20, 2010
They did a god awful job before on my hair and almost made me cry =[ dont go there for dyeing hair. only highlights (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch May 18, 2010
theyve screwed up on my hair so many times. i dont recomend going there for long men haircuts. but they do goodjobs for short haircuts (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Oct 27, 2005
Harold is Manistee's most well-known barber and that is due to several factors like reasonable prices, his charming personality, and the gre... (more)

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