Guptill's Coney Express

1085 New Loudon Rd
Cohoes, NY 12047
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Ice Cream Parlors
Dessert Shops

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Nov 02, 2009
Clearly, the stuff here is not for the healthnut who prefers her original tart soft serve with a dab of honey. Instead, this is for the heal... (more)


on Citysearch Apr 16, 2008
I drive out of my way just for their ice cream (bypassing at least 2 other places closer to my home). Their hours are great; they open right after Easter and stay open longer in the season than the other places. They have... (more)


on Citysearch Jun 04, 2004
Their ice cream is the creamist I'v ever tasted and i've tasted alot. The soft butterscotch is my favorite but my husband loves the hard. They have awesome flavors like chocolate peanut butter nonfat yogurt and... (more)

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