Greg O'Leary Custom Painting

16 Louanis Dr
Reading, MA 01867
Greg O'Leary Custom Painting - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Painters, Painter, Painting, Art, Artists, Artist, Commercial, Residential, Interior, Exterior, Quality, Paint, Faux Finishing, Murals, Customized, Paintings, North Shore, Reading, Boston, Greater Boston Area
Residential Painting, Commercial Painting, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Faux Finishing, Power Washing, Gutter Cleaning, Landscape Paintings, Portrait Paintings, Customized Murals, Free Estimates, Fully Insured
Residential Painting, Commercial Painting, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Faux Finishing, Power Washing, Gutter Cleaning, Landscape Paintings, Portrait Paintings, Customized Murals, Free Estimates, Fully Insured
Home improvement, construction, art, painting, painters, artist

Business Description

About the Company: We are a family-owned painting company based in Reading, Massachusetts. Our company is unique in the sense that we offer a wide range of services, including interior painting, exterior painting, faux finishing, power washing, gutter cleaning, landscape paintings, portrait paintings and customized murals. We work and communicate directly with owners and contractors to ensure complete customer satisfaction in all of our projects. Whether it is remodeling, new construction, commercial or residential, we have the qualified staff, equipment and knowledge to ensure the highest levels of service and quality. About the Owner: Greg O'Leary is a successful business owner and artist that has lived in the North Shore area his entire life. Growing up, he attended Belmont Hill School in Belmont, MA, then proceeded to Avon Old Farms School for a prep school year in Avon, CT. Following Avon, Greg attended Trinity College where he was the hockey team captain and majored in Studio Arts. Upon graduating from Trinity with a bachelors degree in Studio Arts, Greg partnered with his father, Jay O'Leary to start the painting company Greg O'Leary Custom Painting. Greg's artistic background and skills acquired through education and experience have contributed to the success and distinction of his painting company. His company offers an array of services including interior & exterior painting, customized murals, portrait & landscape paintings, faux finishings and much more. ?

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