Green Valley Nurseries
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Garden Centers, Florists-retail, Gift Shops, Landscape Contractors, NurserymenLawn & Garden
Customer Reviews (3 reviews)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Mar 05, 2006I absolutely love visiting the place.The flowers and plants are just so beautiful.It is a great place to take kids.There are seasonal activi... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Nov 02, 2005Green Valley has a wonderful setup for kids at this time of year. Families can build scarecrows, do a maze, and paint pumpkins. As an adul... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Oct 04, 2005Green Valley nursery has always been known in our area for having great plants and flowers. They also have a couple adorable gift shops on l... (more)