Gordon's Tree and Shrub

4896 Cooley Lake Court
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Business Information

Tree Service, Gordon's Tree and Shrub, Tree Trimming Services, Michigan Tree Service, Oakland Country Tree Service, Tree removal, Stump Removal, Troy Tree Service, Tree Pruning, Novi Tree Service, Northville Tree Service, Rochester Tree Service, West Bloomfield Tree Service
Tree/Shrub Thinning, Tree/Shrub Shaping, Tree/Shrub Removal, Stump Removal, Storm Damage

Business Description

Gordon's Tree and Shrub has been providing specialized tree care for over 20 years. The owner, Jim Gordon, graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor's degree in Urban Forestry. Estimates and work are done personally by owner and operator Jim Gordon. Our business does not "manufacture" work, and all trees and shrubs are priced separately for customer convenience. Services include tree/shrub shaping, tree/shrub removal, tree/shrub thinning, and stump removal. Call or email for a free estimate!

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