
2323 Ferguson Road.
CincinnatiOH 45238
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drugs, meth, heroin, cocaine, alcoholic, domestic violence, substance abuse, urine testing, in and out patient treatment, help, methodone, detoxing treatment, N.A, A.A
Substance abuse treatment, in/out patient facility, job placement, GED, Scared straight with fitness integration, Bible study, N.A, A.A groups meet daily,
Drug counsellors, halfway houses, scared straight, job placement, A.A,N.A, Family services, Battered woman shelters.
Dunn & Bradstreet, Scared straight, Therapia, Salvation Army, Church of Jesus Christ, Joyce Meyers Ministries, Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, Halfway houses of America, Team National, Big N, Chase bank, Battered woman's shelters & foundation, child abuse fo
2009-2015 Counselors of the year, Habitat for Humanity, Helping Hands 2010-2016, Charity of the year 2015-2016, Published in News week 7 times, Member of the Golden Arch Accademy for Most successful substance abuse program, Signature treatment and job pl

Business Description

Freedom From Using is Gods Will. Don't let the devil take away your Faith, Hope and Love! Let us, through Gods power and every blessing guide you to the fresh start you and your loved ones have prayed for. It is Gods will that you live free of the addictions that have lead to your self destruction and the abuse of mind altering substances. We want to help. Open yourself up to Our God and let His will guide you to true Freedom. We offer you and your family the peace of mind and security it takes in times of desperation. Let us help you today! Love is very powerful and God our father loves you with a forgiving heart, "I will remember your transgressions no more" is Gods promise to us all." Let's open ourselves up to living for God, nothing can take away your victory Jesus paid the price for us all. It's time to Love, Lift and Reach. God is waiting for you to give it up to Him! Make the comittment to live a life that leads to eternal life not death, love not addictions, and joy not despair. Find out how by contacting our dedicated staff and take that first step to Freedom. Jesus will guide you in your time of need, just speak out to the Lord Our God with us and watch the changes take hold. Let go and let God! Contact information John Eric [email protected] 513-817-7110

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