Freedom For Americans

Freedom For Americans  - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Freedom For Americans, All Americans, Hochul Town Hall, Defending the Constitution, Individual Liberty, Religious Freedom, Buffalo News, Mark Levin, WBEN, Freedom, First Amendment, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Unity, Unalienable Rights, Leadership, Grassroots, New York
Constitution Education. American History Education. Political Education. Freedom Education. Articles.
Seminars, Rallies, Publications. Articles, Information on violations of freedom.

Business Description

We are everyday Americans and regular people that are concerned about the erosion of individual liberty due to steady government intrusion. Our purpose is to unite with all other Americans that believe that they, their families, and future generations should always be able to enjoy the freedom, guaranteed by our founding documents. This is about all of us, not one gender, creed, race, or party. Please join the movement and help keep the United of States the land of the free.

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