Free To Be Me -- Children's Nonprofit

Free To Be Me -- Children's Nonprofit - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Children, nonprofit, airplane rides, special events, children with chronic illness, children with critical illness, families, free event
special programs, airplane rides, family programs, children's program, community program
Non-profit event, donations, volunteers, children's services, family services
Nonprofit, children's health, family programs, volunteers, children's hospitals
Riley's Army, Beau's Buddies, Dream Factory
Just the smiles on the face of Children and their families

Business Description

FREE TO BE ME is a nonprofit organization that provides children who are struggling with a chronic or critical illness with an afternoon of fun by provideing free local airplane rides. Lunch and snacks are provided. Events are held on Saturdays. The fly-in changes from city to city so it can reach more children. The children and their siblings are invited to come out and just feel free, have a good time and be themselves with no restrictions!

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