fitBRAIN Hillsborough

856 HWY 206 BLDG A
HillsboroughNJ 08844
fitBRAIN Hillsborough - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

kids, fitness, education, tutoring, reading, math, literacy, social skills, summer camp, brain gym, reading comprehension, autism, aspergers, add, adhd, dyslexia, handwriting, attention, focus, applied behavior analysis
learning materials/products used in our program are all available for purchase
We offer movement and active play groups for individuals with autism and related disabilities as well as inclusion classes with a focus on improving attention, building social skills and confidence and improving math and literacy skills
kids fitness, brain training, education, social skills, special needs

Business Description

Fitness and Learning center focused on teaching academics through play and movement activities. Movements are specially designed to activate both hemispheres of the brain simultaneoulsy in an effort to improve visual tracking skills, coordination, balance, attention and focus. We are an inclusion program for students with and without disabilities who are functioning at or below grade level. We place a particular emphasis on math and literacy skills and building confidence.

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