13194 Blue Fox Lane
Fairfax, VA 22033
Fairfax, VA 22033
Business Information
Federal resumes, Federal job search, Federal government jobs, senior executive service, executive core qualifications, USA Jobs, SES, Federal government careers, resumes, resume writers, resume writing, Federal jobs DC, Federal jobs virginiaWe offer career services for current Federal employees and for individuals seeking a job in the Federal government either in Washington, DC or elsewhere in the United States.
Services for Federal employees include: - Assistance in obtaining a promotion - Landing a job at a new Federal agency - Joining management
Federal Government
National Resume Writers Association, Editorial Freelancers Association
Certified Federal Career Coach; certified Federal Job Search Trainer
Business Description
FederalResumeWriter.net helps current and would-be Federal workers advance their careers.
FederalResumerWriter.net is a service of Dbarnes431 Communications LLC. Since 2012, Dbarnes431 Communications LLC has offered clients resume development, career counseling and other editorial services.
David Barnes is a certified Federal Career Coach and a certified Federal Job Search Trainer. He has assisted Federal employees in creating resumes, prepare for job interviews and and landing new jobs in the Federal government.
David Barnes has more than two decades of Federal service, holding senior communications positions for several Federal agencies and working on Capitol Hill. He has helped individuals of all levels of experience land jobs with the Federal government and private sector organizations.
David Barnes is a member of the National Resume Writers Association and the Editorial Freelancers Association.
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