Faith in Action School

3979 ParkWood Road 115-214
BessemerAL 35022
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Business Information

Homeschooling in alabama, Church School Cover in Alabama, Home School options in Alabama
I provide a legal cover in the State of Alabama. I also provide High School Diplomas and Transcripts.
Faith in Action School is a legal Cover School in the State of Alabama. Faith in Action School will require a $25 registration fee and $ 250.00 for the year. There will be a party on different holidays. Students will be required to attend 170 days per year. The School year starts in September and ends in July. There is no Statement of Faith required.
Education, Charities, and Churches
Certified Public Accountant
Undergraduate and Graduate degree in Business and Education

Business Description

I am a homeschool cover in the state of Alabama. I require grades and attendance twice a year. There will be a graduation in the spring for Grades; K, 6, and 12th. I will also provide some co-op classes. We will have several parties during the year.

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