Meridian Pre-Foreclosure Solutions
3380 Sheridan Drive 382
Amherst, NY 14226
Amherst, NY 14226
Fax: 8002771618

Business Information
pre-foreclosure, mortgage mediation, foreclosure mediation, single point of contact, pre-foreclosure program, pre-foreclosure training, HAMP, HAMP training, MHA, MHA training, MHA and HAMP services, certified woman owned business, certified minority owned business, detailed missing documents letters, detailed HAMP denial letters, HAMP compliance, MHA compliance, residential mortgage servicer supportPre-foreclosure support and services. Pre-foreclosure program training. Residential mortgage foreclosure mediation. Single point of contact protocol program and training. Community Reinvestment Act low to moderate income area foreclosure assistance and rating protection.
Residential mortgage servicers. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA serviced loans. Foreclosure law firms or attorneys.
MONDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 6:00PM |
TUESDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 6:00PM |
WEDNESDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 6:00PM |
THURSDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 6:00PM |
FRIDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 6:00PM |
SATURDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
Business Description
Meridian is a woman-owned business committed to helping residential mortgage servicers efficiently and effectively resolve the mortgage crisis. Our unique and unparalleled pre-foreclosure program offers a single point of contact that centralizes the modification application process and allows the servicers to focus on decision making. Help protect your liability as well as your Community Reinvestment Act rating by having Extremis handle your pre-foreclosure needs.
We are also New York Settlement Conference and state mediation experts. Our entire process is designed to modify eligible mortgages as soon as possible, assist the servicer in obtaining liquidation options and preparing the file to quickly and efficiently move through the foreclosure process. ?
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