Doug's Supermarket

310 Main Ave Ne
Warroad, MN 56763
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Grocery Stores

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Dec 29, 2006
We couldn't ask for more in a small town grocery store. The tasting area is always a big hit. The selection of fresh fruits and vegetables... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Nov 06, 2005
This grocery store has a lot to offer for a small town. Even though they are the only one in the town, they do have fairly good prices, and... (more)

Shannon A.

on Judys Book Oct 23, 2005
I think this grocery store is not at all bad. There isn't much option when it comes to grocers, but i think that Doug's has some pretty good prices overall. I also liked how they seemed to carry some items that i couldn't... (more)

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