Business Information
Pillow Pocket Pal Shuteye pillowcase Diane Cohen Bedford ma MypetDBC Pocket Pal Cancer patients giftPillow Pocket holds important items like eye glasses, tv clickers, in-halers, medicine, personal items. Great for college students, kids, adults, seniors, campers and sleepovers. The SHUT~eye pillowcase that helps with migraines, concussions and keeps head warm, cancer patients love these made with black out material in head cover
Created helpful solutions for people to help in their everyday lives #dbcoverzzz
National Association of Professional Woman
Certificate of Recognition, woman of the year
Business Description
DBCoverzzz has 3 patented products
How I got started bedford.wickedlocal.com/article/20140421/News/140429355
Printing memories and milestones on Tshirts, Tanks and Sweatshirts
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