Docs Military & Survival Gear

Docs Military & Survival Gear - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

550 Parachute Cord, Paracord, Paracord Survival Bracelets, Survival Bracelets, Survival Bracelet, Wholesale 550 Paracord, Wholesale parachute Cord, prepping, survival, camping, hiking
Paracord Survival Bracelets Curved Side release buckles over 40 different colors of U.S made 550 Parachute Cord
Survival, Prepping, Camping, Hiking, Outdoors, Construction or just anyone who has the need for rope with a 550 pound tensile strength.

Business Description

We sell TOP quality Paracord Survival Bracelets with a lifetime use warranty & guarantee. We all sell cut lengths of 550 Parachute cord. Our Paracord comes from the TOP U.S Military manufacturer (not a distributor). We also sell U.S made side release buckles that are perfect for making Survival Bracelets, Animal collars and leashes.

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