D. Enterprises LLC

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Darrius, Garrett, Motivational Speaker, Author, Poet, Freedom Writer, Freedom Writers Diary, Diary of a Freedom Writer, D. Enterprises LLC, Teflon Music Group
Motivational Speaker/Author
Motivational Speaker

Business Description

Darrius has been doing public speaking and helping change lives all over the United States since the young age of 17 when he made a choice. A choice that would change the rest of his life. Darrius realized that he was not going to be the same way he was before; he decided at that young age that he was not going to project the same outlook on himself as he’s given time after time. He made the decision to change. To change his way of living and his way of thinking, even if it would cost him his life. He decided that he would die trying to prove that he wanted better for himself and he did that of course, but it did come with a price and it wasn’t cheap. Darrius started out under the guidance of award winning and very successful teacher Erin Gruwell as 1 of 150 Freedom Writers that took their stories of hope around the world, and gave hope to millions.

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