Cranker & Leventhal Title Services

5 Clark Street
Hudson FallsNY 12839

Fax: 518-746-5807
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Business Information

Title Insurance, New York, Cranker Leventhal, Abstract of title, Warren County, Washington County, Saratoga County, title search, title searcher
Owner's Title Insurance Policies; Loan Title Insurance Policies; simultaneous issue of Owner's & Loan Policy discounts available; Construction Loan Policies; Loan refinance policies; Certified Abstracts of title; Last Owner Searches; Continuation of existing abstracts of title
Other Search Products: Real Property Tax Searches; Lien/Judgment searches; UCC searches (County & NY Dept. of State); Municipal Dept. Searches; Bankruptcy Searches; Patriot Act (SDN) Searches; Franchise tax searches; Closing date-title rundowns; Post-closing title continuation and recording of documents; Adirondack Park Agency Permit searches.

Business Description

Title Insurance as policy issuing agents for Old Republic National Title Insurance Company. Real Estate Title Research (Abstracts of title) 35+ years experienced title searcher, title reader; trained in surveying, real estate cartographer for engineering companies and aerial photographic companies. Independent title agency since 1989. Our cartographic experience applied to the title examination process, provides a high level expertise to the development of title reports.

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