Construction Industry Training Center, LLC

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Home Building, Construction Training, Home Inspection, Real Estate Investments, Interior Designs, Builders, Green Technology, Remodel, Renovator, Maintenance, Carpentry, Plumbing, HVAC
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GCA Home Building Course General Maintenance Course General Specialty Course General Construction Electrical Construction and Installation Plumbing Carpentry HVAC Construction Training Curriculum Development and Writing.
Construction Real Estate Engineering Architecture Interior Design Green Building Technology Building Maintenance Landscaping Structural Trades Remodeling and Renovation
National Builders Guild

Business Description

We offer non-traditional, holistic home building training, that references information found within the International Residential Code Book for One- and Two- Family Dwellings, as well as environmental and green building codes. Our course has helped many of its graduates to save costs affiliated with building material and workmanship, but not sacrificing quality.

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