Connecticut Voluntary Benefits

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Connecticut Voluntary Benefits, Voluntary Benefits in Connecticut, Group Voluntary Benefits
Our products include voluntary benefits such as Disability, Accident, Critical Illness, and Life Insurance. We also offer a College Tuition Benefit Program for employees' children, granchildren, nieces, and nephews at no addtional cost.
Customization of employer-provided benefits packages, which includes set-up of electronic payment system, and continual support for the employees as well as the employer.
All organizations within Connecticut are supported by our products and services.

Business Description

Connecticut Voluntary Benefits offers a variety of coverage in voluntary benefits. Enhanced benefits such as Cancer, Disability, Critical illness, Hospital Indemnity, and Heart or Stroke, and LIfe Insurance will provide employees with a safety net of options, should they need them. Specifically designed for workplace participation, our products enables the employee to affordably customize their existing benefits package with no additonal cost to the employer.

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