Computing Technology Services

3587 Lee Rd
Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Computing Technology Services - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

pc upgrade, hard drive replacement, virus removal, spyware, malware, computer update, windows 7, vista, motherboard replacement, memory upgrades, system recovery, laptop screen repair, Xbox 360 repair, PS3 repair, website built
New and refurbished desktops and l;aptops.
Computer systems repair, upgrade, data recovery services, wired and wireless networking solutions. security systems including camera systems with remote viewing. Laptop screen replacement. computer virus, spyware and malware removal,
Business and residential services available. 24/7 on call service for our clients who have SERVICE CONTRACTS.

Business Description

Providing customers with full line of computer repair and services from system upgrades to rebuilds. We repair laptops as well as desktops. We also repair Apple/Mac computers and laptops. We install wired and wireless network installation including whole house wifi network systems.

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