Charles Cafe Bar & Grill

35 Main Street
MillisMA 02054
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Business Information

Charles River, deck dining, piano bar, fireplace, breakfast, lunch, dinner, full bar, home cooking, kayaking, canoeing, boat launch
Comfortable with Fireplace
Breakfast Lunch and Dinner with Full Bar
Kayaking, Canoeing, Boating

Business Description

Full Restaurant with Full Bar. Our dream was to bring back to life the abandoned once-upon-a-time summer camp, dance hall, restaurant, as its history intrigued us. We imagined this to be a destination for good food and drinks where you could relax and enjoy its natural setting overlooking the river with access to its amenities as well. After years of planning and renovations, we now offer breakfast, lunch or dinner in a chic rural ambiance overlooking the Charles River with deck seating and a full bar. There is also kayak and canoe rentals where you can enjoy the river before or after a good meal. We hope you come by and enjoy the experience.

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