C B's Bucket Bar & Grille

132 W Grand River Ave
Williamston, MI 48895
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Customer Reviews (4 reviews)


on Citysearch Feb 09, 2010
the service was great! my boyfriend and i are going to go back at least once a month! The owner came over and talked to us and he was so nice! He was very professional and is genuanly a great guy! The decor is crazy! This is... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Feb 01, 2010
Excellent selections on a wide range menu. Some of the best food I've had at a restaurant for a reasonable price. Quite casual, but the food is wonderful. (more)


on Citysearch Jan 02, 2010
I have never seen an owner act so unprofessional. I think this dirty old man hit on every female in the place. Age means nothing to this guy. Some females were even invited back to a "special" room. I was completely... (more)

Sidney VanValkenburgh

on Citysearch Nov 03, 2009
This bar has the coolest looking bar in the area. It was made with cherry burls all over the back of the bar.Whit old ceiling tile on all the ceiling. It has a cool looking fire brick oven where the cook gives the bar tender... (more)

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