Bridges Services

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janitorial services wichita ks, and surrounding areas, janitorial cleaning services in wichita ks, sedgwick, butler, cowley, sumner and reno counties.

Business Description

when you are finished with your job, let us come in and do ours. commercial cleaning medical, offices, churches, hotels, theaters, car lots, restaurant floors-front and back, restaurant appliances environmentally friendly complete disinfecting, sanitizing and deodorizing here with bridges services, we take the time that you and/or your employees do not have but need to do the general and detail cleaning you need. in addition to our many years of cleaning experience, we are reliable and consistent in our services provided on a nightly basis for years to come. we take pride in our work. we care. we have you and your customers/patients in mind. when you arrive in the mornings, you will not only know your establishment is clean. you will have the feel and have security your establishment is clean. you and your employees will feel better which will spread to your customers/patients. your customers/patients will see and feel assurance of being in a clean safe environment we strive for a long and happy relationship we are very reasonable in our charges we have excellent references we are interested in providing services for you

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