Better Health NOW Fitness, Inc

Business Information
Boot Camp, Certified Fitness Trainer, Athletic Sports and Agility Camp, Silver Sneakers, Childhood Obesity, Camp, Weight Lost Training, Weight Lost Camp, Adults Weight Camp, Nutrition, Online Fitness, Fitness Training Programs, Strength Training.Nutritional & Diet Supplements (Adovcare Distributor), and 24 Day Challenge
Online Training, Athletic & Sports Agility Camp, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Camps, Childhood Obesity Camps, Senior Group Fitness Camp (Silver Sneaker), Corporate Well Programs.
Youth Fitness Trainer, Fitness Trainer.
MONDAY | : | 7:00AM | - | 9:00PM |
TUESDAY | : | 7:00AM | - | 9:00PM |
WEDNESDAY | : | 7:00AM | - | 9:00PM |
THURSDAY | : | 7:00AM | - | 9:00PM |
FRIDAY | : | 7:00AM | - | 9:00PM |
SATURDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 3:00PM |
Business Description
Better Health NOW Fitness, Inc. (BHNOWFIT) was founded January 1, 2010 by Sammy Reed in Rex, GA. Since opening in 2010, we have developed a partnership with Clayton County Parks & Recreation, Clayton County Senior Services, and Clayton County District 1 Commissioner Sonna Singleton. This year, BHNOWFIT has joined the journey with the President of the United States and First Lady Michelle Obama in the fight of childhood obesity epidemic, starting here in the United States. In February 2013, we started ?Operation NOW? to address the issues and are dedicated to our partnership with this very worthwhile program.
BHNOWFIT is a fitness company who is devoted to making a difference in the fitness world, local community and a difference in you the consumer. We treat every customer like they are a part of our family. Other companies may offer similar services, but our services come with a personal touch.
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