Another Vessel Enterprise

Another Vessel Enterprise - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Christian, Pastor, Musician, Up and Coming, Church, Mom, Family, Children, Health, Wealth, ViSalus, Finance, Faith, Healing, Obesity, Malnutrition, Maryland, Pennsylvania, DC, Entrepreneur
Books: The Profit is in the Journey ~ Donna P. Allen [Author]
Prayer, Ministry Career Coaching, Entrepreneur Development, Networking, Public Speaking, Branding, Organizational Development, Social Media Management, Website Development, Graphic Design, Direct Sales, Social Media Training
Health and Wellness, Direct Sales, Internet Marketing, Faith Based, Social Media, Sales, Retail

Business Description

We are Another Vessel that God is using to connect Christian business owners who desire to balance faith and entrepreneurism. We Are Another Vessel that God is using to Inspire christian business owners to not choose our responsibilities as business owners over our responsibility to Worship Our God.

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