Andreotti's Corner

25992 Lerdo Hwy
Buttonwillow, CA 93206
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Grocery Stores

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)


on Citysearch Aug 03, 2009
clean restrooms for my kids, nice people (more)


on Citysearch Aug 03, 2009
My husband and I were driving from San Fransico to Las Vegas were we turned on the radio to a local talk show, there were talking about this place called Andreotti's Corner how it was always the cheapset gas in Kern co, we... (more)


on Citysearch Aug 03, 2009
Myself and my 3 kids were driving south on i/5 when the radio talk show was on talking about the little place selling cheap gas, i gps my i phone and found it , good food with a cool park to eat lunch in ,it had to be over 110... (more)

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